Friday 6 February 2015

I'm A Little Alien by James Carter (Children's, Non-Fiction, Poetry, 9/10E, short 'n' sweet review)

  August 2015, Frances Lincoln Children's Books, 96 pages, Paperback, Review copy

Summary from Frances Lincoln
Zoom around this book to find aliens, stars and a greedy robot - as well as funny faces and a ball that won’t bounce back! This is a fun and playful new collection by an award-winning poet who knows how to inspire and delight very young children.

Nayu's thoughts 
I prefer fiction over non-fiction, and often can struggle with poetry collections as being too strange/dismal/odd. However, as you can see from the high grade more than a few poems in this collection made me smile. The brightly coloured cover is an indication of the fun to be had from exploring space through poetry. Aliens, planets and more are looked at in mostly short poems, some rhyming, some not. 

It was with this poetry collection that I realised poetry is excellent for introducing curiosity to readers for the subject which the poem talks about. After reading the alien poem readers may want to go look up aliens, make an alien space ship, pretend to be aliens – a poem is not simply a bunch of words, but the launch pad (pun intended) to furthering knowledge, engaging imagination and above all having fun!

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