Sunday 14 August 2016

Amelia Moore Detective #5 Her Lost Love by Linda Weaver Clarke (Cozy Mystery, 10/10E, audiobook, short 'n' sweet review)

July 2016, Red Mountain Shadows Publishing, 5 hours and 15 minutes, Audiobook, Review copy 

Book summary
Amelia Moore, the founder of the Moore Detective Agency, specializes in missing persons. Her cases have taken her to some very interesting places and put her in some dangerous situations, but she always solves the case. With the help of her partner, Rick Bonito, the business is flourishing. 

Julie Anderson feels a need to find the man she fell deeply in love with during her youth. When Julie went off to college to become a lawyer, she lost contact with her high school sweetheart. She now wants to know what became of Joey, and why he stopped writing to her. This is an assignment that intrigues Amelia. The thought of finding a long-lost love seems quite romantic.
Nayu's thoughts
Hunting down someone's lost love is a journey of love for Amelia. She is still in the early stages of love with her business partner Rick, and the uncertainties she has for commitment are explored as the mystery unfolds. It felt like the stakes were lowered a little in favour for exploring the romance between the least that's what I thought until the end which had me holding my breath then laughing at the outcome. I prefer action to romance, but understand that Amelia and Rick are still getting to know each other and a lot of readers like romance. Even knowimg what I do from finishing the book, there's no doubt that Amelia is holding a lot of information about her upbringing which I hope will be divulged over the next few books (I know this series is long-yippee!).

I love seeing her confidence as a detective grow, especially when it comes to dealing with secret service workers, who had me intrigued and made me laugh a lot. Together Amelia and Rick have to constantly try and outsmart them so they can proceed with their case. Admittedly it's probably my least favourite book in the series, but as you can see from the grade I still really enjoyed it. I love the familiarity of Rick and Amelia, love knowin that danger will eventually come, that there will be plot twists I guessed both correctly and incorrectly. It is overall a feel good read, one which I'm looking forward to returning to some day. 

Find out more on Linda's website.

Suggested read
Read the other books in the series which starts with A Bali Mystery by Linda Weaver Clarke (Cozy Mystery 10/10E) (I've reviewed them all so do a search on my blog for them) 

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