Thursday 22 September 2016

The Deviants by C.J. Skuse (Young Adult, 10E/10E)

  22nd September, MIRA Ink, 336 pages, Ebook, Review copy from NetGalley

Content: teen romance, rape, child abuse, tissues needed

Book summary

Nayu's thoughts
This will make you cry a lot!) Plus there are no zombies in it-I couldn't read CJ's previous novel due to brain loving fiends. Brains are important for Ella, who on occasion annoyed me for not finding inner strength sooner, but she gets there eventually. As horrors are slowly unravelled from her past which made this such a tough read, all I wanted to do was hug her. Personally I didn't like Max from the start as he didn't seem listen to or truly respect Ella's wishes. He was most of her world, but I enjoyed the unexpected friendship rekindling which Ella does with older friends, even more so when another bombshell is dropped that had me needing tissues. 

The structure of the story, with an unseen other person at the start of chapters while Ella tells them what happened is clever and had me come up with an incorrect assumption about the end. Due to the nature of rape and child molestion it is a dark read, so make sure you have fluffy things to do after to take the edge off to these sadly real life crimes. I wish every girl could have a Fallon and Corey in their lives, as both help Ella out as well as eah other. I will reread this at sometime in the distant future! 

Suggested read
Be sure to check out CJ's other books including the equally chilling  Monster (Young Adult, 10E/10E)

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